Sunday, August 30, 2009

How similar or different are their systems with Singapore’s?

Similarities: Have government, uses legalism and have a leaderDifferences: The 3 ancient civilisations were ruled by kings or emperor while Singapore is led by President or the Prime Minister. Singapore people have the rights to choose their own jobs but the people in the 3 ancient civilisations have to take the job determined by the centralised rule.

what were the differences between the government and society of the ancient civilisations

Government: Method of selecting civil servants-Ancient China chose their civil servants based on abilities (meritocracy), while ancient India determined civil servants based on Caste while ancient Southeast Asia determined civil servants based on their wealth.Society: Name of centralised rule-Ancient China uses Class System, ancient India uses Caste System and ancient Southeast Asia uses Basic Classes.Number of concentric circles-Ancient China had 2(Capital and Provinces), ancient India had 4(Capital, Inner Provinces, Outer Provinces and Border zone) and ancient Southeast Asia had 3 (Capital, Provinces and Vassal states).

what were the similarities between the government and society of the 3 ancient civilisations

Government: Divine Kingship-People in ancient India believed that god gave the kings the right to rule. People in ancient China believed that the heaven wanted people to be ruled wisely and justly (Mandate of Heaven).Kings of ancient Southeast Asia saw themselves as divine rulers.The kings ruled at the capital cities-The king's palace was located at the capital city in ancient India. The king in ancient China only controlled a small area around his capital. The capital city was directly ruled a sultan (Malay word for king).Society: Centralised rule-Ancient India separate their people from Class System (Varnas) into Caste System (Jatis).Ancient China separate their people by Class System. Ancient Southeast Asia separates their people by Basic Classes.