Sunday, September 13, 2009

Religion & Philosophy

A. In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious, what are the possible challenges we might face? How can we overcome these challenges?

Challenges :

  • Racial riots might occur if the mutli-religious issues are not managed delicately.
  • Group think.
  • Economic growth and development.
  • Types of policies made and the political landscape.

How to Overcome Such Challenges:

  • People need to exercise tolerance of the similarities and differences of the different religions.
  • Different religious groups need to learn to respect each other's religion. They need to accomodate one another, make practical compromises so that all can live harmoniously together in a uniquely Singapore way.
  • Government needs balance the festivities of all religions so as to ensure religious harmony.
  • Equal opportunities for all, regardless of race & religion eg, in the areas of job opportunities, schooling, places of worship.

B. How was religions and philosophies important to the people of the ancient civilisations?

  • During the ancient times, religion played an importnant part in the lives of the people.
  • They worshipped many different types of Gods.
  • This was because they could not understand or control the things that are happening around them and sough a source of spiritual comfort in the unknown.
  • Religion provided hope that the people of ancient times could not get from other avenues. Eg. the infertile women pray to their Gods
  • They believed that through their worship they could control nature. Most worshipped nature and fertility as these were the important elements in ancient times. Good weather for their crops and fertility for passing on of generations and inheritance.
  • Reincarnation is the cnetral belief of Hindusim,
  • The Hindus believe that there is life after death. They believed that after one's death, he will be reborn in his next life. The Hindu believe that it is karma that decides the status of a person's next life. Karma is the sum of all the good and evil that one has done in one's life. Thus the Hindus believe in helping and doing good deeds.
  • Buddhism also teaches one to be good, respectful and compassionate. Buddhists are taught to value even the lowest life forms as well as to give and receive freely.
  • Most religions teach one to be good. In religions, the people of ancient times place their hopes and aspirations.